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Server Information
The following is the information about server setup and your personal settings and applies to all users on this site.


Personal website/page is always
for example

Provided that you are a user on this site, use the ftp server at with your username and password as login parameters to reach your home directory.

Your website should be uploaded into public_html sub-directory which is located inside your home directory.

E-Mail setup

If you are forwarding your email then you probably have .forward file in your home directory. This file contains your forwarding email address, and in case you change your email address edit this file and replace the address there with the new one.

If you are using 3DLuVr POP3 mail server the address is Authenticate using your username and password.

Please note that if you wish to use the email services of the 3DLuVr webserver your IP must be added to the ACCESS list (you were initially asked to provide your IP/Host address if you planned to use the email on 3DLuVr).

If you were forwarding the email until now (using .forward file in your home directory which contained your forwarding email address) , but would now like to switch and use the mail server on 3DLuVr you still need to provide the IP/Host address.
Please email the [email protected] with your Internet IP address (run "ipconfig" in WinNT, "winipcfg" in Win9x, "ifconfig -a" in Linux, to obtain your IP address).

If you tryed to send email via 3DLuVr and got a "We do not RELAY..." message, it means that either your IP has changed and you need to supply another one (current to your Internet session) or that your IP address is not in the ACCESS list at all - again supply the IP address by emailing [email protected] .

For everything else find me (amigo) on IRC, EFnet #3dsmax, or email [email protected] and I'll try to help you out.

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