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    Poll Results
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Shown here are the polls we have conducted during the past years. Click on the each poll question to retrieve the results.

When doing 3D, where do you fit?September 12th 2002
If you could work on one of these movies, which one would it be?April 9th 2000
Do you have a DVD player / DVD-ROMApril 3rd 2000
What graphics chipset is on your video card?March 27th 2000
What kind of music do you listen to while working?March 21st 2000
What are your thoughts on Playstation 2?March 15th 2000
What resolution do you use to surf the Web?March 8th 2000
In your opinion, which one renders the best quality images?March 2nd 2000
Employed? What are your usual hours (average)?February 25th 2000
Have you heard Windows 2000 is out?February 19th 2000
Which expo/conference do you plan to attend?February 12th 2000
Your primary source of information about 3D Industry:February 5th 2000
What do you use when modeling?January 30th 2000
What is the size of your monitor?January 23rd 2000
Which application would you like to see ported to Linux?January 17th 2000
From the list, which movie did you like the most?January 8th 2000
Did you expect anything to happen in the 1999/2000 changeover?January 2nd 2000
Your favorite "first person" shooter is:December 26th 1999
How fast is your Net connection?December 18th 1999
Are you employed in the 3D Industry?December 13th 1999
If NASA picked You for a Mars mission, would you go?December 7th 1999
Are you going to treat yourself for Christmas?December 2nd 1999
So, what do you think about this Y2K problem?November 27th 1999
How many hours a week do you spend online?November 7th 1999
The CPU(s) in the computer you are on is(are)?November 1st 1999
If someone was offering you a free 3D Application, which one would you take?October 27th 1999

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