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Real World Benchmarks of 3DSMAX R2.x
Added on: Mon Feb 15 1999
Page: 1 2 

Viewport Animation

This test was performed similar to the Average Viewport FPS test, with the exception that it was a timed benchmark.
From the beginning of the animation to the end was timed with a stopwatch for at LEAST three repetitions. The average time was then taken. The two viewport tests help to show the effects of processor speed and operating systems on the general viewport modeling.

Viewport Animation


Are Dual Processors Worth the Additional Investment?

According to the benchmarks run on my machine, the addition of a second processor nets an average of an 89% speed increase in rendering, and a 35-40% increase in viewport modeling. Overall this means that your almost going to half any and all
renders that your performing. And considering a 67,000 polygon 100 frame animation can take almost 303 minutes with one PII 504, which means thats a huge save in time.

Additional benefits are also seen when one starts multitasking between multiple applications. I myself had never used a dual processor system until recently, the performance gain in Windows NT is nothing compared to the difference in feel.
Applications open instantaneously regardless of what applications are running, or how many are in use.
In fact you can run two copies of 3dsmax in Windows NT, and render the same image simultaneously faster than you can render one image with a single processor.
Unfortunately due to my inexperience with network rendering, it is still hard to see whether buying a dual system is preferred to buying a fleet of Celeron 300a render boxes. I hope I will be able to address that in a later article.


This is my first attempt at doing hardware reviews. I stand by my results, but you must remember that the tests were performed on my machine alone. I hope to someday reproduce this test on a wider variety of machines so that the benchmarks reflect a wider variety of home computers.
If anyone has any questions or comments, I can be reached via my email address or on the IRC (Efnet) in #3dsmax under the nick of Crossbow.
If you are interested in performing a similar benchmarks such as I have done, either email me, or talk to me on IRC, and I will be more than happy to help you out.
The next report I hope to release is Low End Video Cards and their performance in 3dsmax.

* The Dual PII504's only appear in one Benchmark due to the near impossibility I had booting completely into NT to benchmark them. Just to get it to post once, I had to take two 24 inch fans point them at my open case, remove all cards except for the firegl 1000 pro, and click faster than Nt could crash.

** This comparison assumes that the individual only has 1 processor installed in the system.

Special Thanks to Josh Merti for helping me create the Excel(R) Graphs

Windows 98, Windows NT, and Office 97 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation 1999. 3D Studio MAX is a registered trademark, of Autodesk, Inc. 1999.
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