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Optimizing Nvidia Accelerator Performance
Added on: Tue Oct 22 2002
Page: 1 3 

General Performance Settings

Drivers: and

Geforce 2 and 3 Nvidia 21.83 WHQL

[I've built and maintained considerable arrays of machines, from consumer to heavy cg use, and I've found these to be the MOST stable out of the nvidia drivers for these particular cards]

Geforce 4 Nvidia 29.42 WHQL

[This is very debatable, but these are the ones I personally use.]

Performance Settings: General

These can be found under Display-settings-advanced-Nvidia (Insert Card Here)-additional properities


Fast linear mipmapping - ON
Dual Planes-ON****
Anisophic Filtering-OFF

****=Try on and off. Depending on driver set, and program/app your using, this can decrease/increase performance.

Antialiasing- Set to manual, Set to Off


Not many settings here. If your running D3D in your app, you should consider switching back to OGL. On most applications opengl is both more stable and faster then direct3d on nvidia cards. (Max's d3d is notorious for being unstable)

Moving on

Application Specific Enhancements: 3dsmax

Max has a switch in viewport preferences (under preferences viewport, or also under viewport preferences. Got a preference?) that enables/disables dual planes. Use this switch in conjunction with the nvidia hardware switch to find the optimum performance level.

Do a search for oglfx.ini in the 3dsmax directory. This file has a line which reads "Multitexture=0" Change this to 1 to enable multitexturing on the nvidia card. Ya I don't know why they disable it by default. Who knows.

Maxtreme drivers....There are a variety of softquadro/hacked maxtreme drivers on the web that allow you to use your generic nvidia gaming card as one of the more advanced quadro's. Though they aren't perfect they can fix some lingering viewport problems and help increase performance.

You can find softquadro in rivatuner which I believe is available at, otherwise do a google search. This works on geforce 2's and 3's but not 4's.

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