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Optimizing Nvidia Accelerator Performance
Added on: Tue Oct 22 2002
Page: 1 2 

Another solution if your just a max user, is to find the hacked maxtreme drivers, left over from elsa's demise which allow you to run specific maxtreme drivers on any nvidia card, including the geforce 4's, giving you a sizable performance increase in 3dsmax2, 3 and 4. (Maxtreme drivers: someone did all the digging for you, thank Dvornik for it, the location is at Elsa Maxtreme FTP.

As for other app specific enhancements...I'll add these as I learn them.
Here's some quick Question and Answer sessions....

I bought a Geforce 4 MX. It sucks. What can I do?

Return it to the store and get a Geforce 4 Ti 4200. The Geforce 4 MX is neither a geforce 4 nor a geforce 3, but a half assed card, somewhere around a geforce 2.5. It features NONE of the advanced pixel and vertex shaders available on the newer cards, and should be considered crapware by anyone recommending a particular system component.

I don't notice any difference between X card and Y card. I thought the newer nvidia cards were faster?

Are you stressing the cards? Throwing a sphere in the viewport at 1024x768 and rotating it around is not going to show much difference in performance between two cards. If you want to do that, I know a guy selling a nurbs sphere for maya you can test with.

Try instead to load up a pretty heavy scene with lots of viewport textures and run at a decent resolution (like 1280x1024x32 or 1600x1200x32) and see if you notice a difference. You can also further test the cards capabilities (to make sure its setup right) by downloading specviewperf from and comparing your scores to others available.

When do the new nvidia cards come out?

Don't look now, but their behind you! Seriously people, stop asking me this. If I knew and I told you, I'd be shot. If I said I knew, I'd be shot. Just look for a possible "something" later this fall.

Is it true you create your torus knots through the manipulation of thousands of hamster minds?

Err....Look! Dual Channel DDR!
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