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Troubleshooting FAQ
Added on: Tue Nov 05 2002
Page: 1 2 3 5 

*** 3DSMAX:

Issues within 3dsMax can be due to corrupt files, video issues, or bugs within the program. To troubleshoot most max issues requires upgrade to the latest version (Max 4.2). [4.26 is still optional for Pentium 3/4, Xeon, AMD XP/MP/Morgan/Athlon 4 systems.]

Try starting max with 3dsmax.exe -h and choose software heidi to eliminate the possibility of a driver issue causing your problem.

Other things to try.

- temporarily remove ALL 3rd party plugins
- verify plugin version compatibility
- disable background apps
- collapse the stacks
- make sure a render iteration isn't ridiculously high
- make sure the swap file is large enough for the render.


- copy the rest of this message and paste into a blank text file
-- fill in details for each item

- create a new message in an appropriate conference (i.e., Tech Zone/Hardware)
- begin the message title with "DETAILS", for example, "DETAILS - crash problem".
- restate the problem briefly in the message
- attach the text file you made with all the details to the message
- if appropriate, attach a small ZIPped example MAX file
-- strip out anything not needed to show the problem
- if necessary, include cropped, jpg screen dumps or images in the ZIP file
- do not fail to ZIP and COMPRESS any attachments

----------- COPY FROM HERE DOWN ---------------------

For completeness and consistency, please restate the problem.

Please provide:
- full description of problem
- THINGS I'VE TRIED SO FAR and to what effect
- full text of any error messages
- any other odd behavior in Max or OS?
- when did this problem start?
- does it repeat with any Max file?

Is this a new system or new installation?
If not, provide:
- list of recent software installations
- list of recent software upgrades
- list of recent hardware changes

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