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Troubleshooting FAQ
Added on: Tue Nov 05 2002
Page: 1 2 3 4 

The DETAILED system information we need ...

Pre1: Application Questions
a) What version of the application are you using?
b) What revision of the application are you using? (Ex Max4.2.6 or Max 4.02)
c) What Cdilla driver revision are you using? (For Max users)
d) Are you using...Direct3D, Heidi, Maxextreme, or OpenGL?
e) Have you recently upgraded a piece of hardware, installed the application on a second machine, or transferred a license?
f) Have you tried running software heidi by executing max with the 3dsmax.exe -h command line? Does the problem reoccur if you use software heidi?
g) Which 3rd party plugins are installed?
h) Do other programs other then the 3d application lockup/crash/explode/implode in similar fashions?
i) Are you overclocking the...Ram, FSB, CPU, PCI/AGP, or Video card(s) in
any manner, shape, form, or dimension?

1) Operating system plus any service packs installed.
a) Direct X version.
b) Any 3rd party overclocking utilities or video card utilities
[Ex. Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Latest Via 4 in 1 drivers, AGP patch, Direct x 8.1, ]

2) Ram configuration and Ram Speed (# of dimms, where the dimms are, what speed, how big, branding of the memory)
[Ex. 4 Dimms of Cas 2, Registered, ECC, 512 Meg, Mushkin PC2100 DDR]

3) Motherboard, chipset information, processor speed, board revision
(Ex. Asus A7M266-D revision 1.0, AMD760MP, Dual 2000+ MP's)

4a) Processor cooling, case cooling
4b) Current CPU Temp, Current System Temp (Found in bios, Press DEL upon bootup)
[Ex. Dual Alpha 8045's, 38C Cpu temp, 27C System Temp, 1 intake fan, 2
exhaust fans]

5) Video card, drivers being used with the videocard, modifications done
[Ex. Geforce 4 (NV25), Nvidia 21.83, reference drivers, Rivatuner, Powerstrip]

6) Bios settings, AGP4x, AGP driving value.
[Ex. Default bios settings, AGP4X disabled, AGP driving value EA, Ram timings etc...]

7) Type of periphals in the computer (Soundcard, Scsi card)
[Ex. Hercules XP gaming theater, 3com 905B Nic]

8) Wattage of power supply
[Ex. 550 Watt Entermax Whisper Power supply]

Thank you and good luck! Remember the more information you give us, the better we can help you. Also make sure to give a post on how you fixed your problem, so that others can use your information in the future to bypass trouble areas.

If your still looking for additional information this FAQ doesn't cover. Check out the 3D Studio MAX FAQ.
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