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Creating a winter landscape
Added on: Sat Nov 09 2002
Page: 1 3 

Next click on Automatic size only on the crust layer and use a position of x/y/z 0/0/0

Now, lets do the bump, go to "Bump" and click on "T"; I guess 2 layers are enough here:

...and finally under "shaders" add "Fast Frensel" and set the Reflectivity down to 95%.

The light is very important in this scene so you have to play a bit with it before it looks like you want it.

I used 3 Distant Lights, the first coming from the left with 23.5% Light Intensity and RGB value of 249/254/255. The secound light comes with 30% Light Intensity and RGB of 0/30/98, from behind the camera and a white light from the top.

Now on to the sky go to "Scene" and click on "Generatics" under "Utilities" and choose "SkyGen".

We`ll use 3 layers for the sky:

Use a position of x/y/z -85mm/360mm/0mm

Finally, we`ll use a Particle system, Hyper Voxels and a wind effector for the snow. I did these Scene as an animation, so I will show how to set up the snow for a 3300 frame animation.

Lets start with the Particle system got to Items->Add->PFX->Add Particle Emitter and click OK.

Now some settings


Birth rate: 100000.0
Particle limit: 100000
Start frame -40

and set the Generator size so that it fit with your landscape.

Particle weight: 1
Life time(frame): 3340

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