Procedural Shaders: Update on Lava Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002 |
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Next click on the �go to parent� icon located two icons to the right of the blue and white cube in the horizontal row of icons in the Material editor up the top.

This brings you back up to the top of the material hierarchy. Now we want to create the surface texture�s bump map to give it less of a flat look. Click on the noise slot and choose noise again. This time after the material editor displays the properties adjust the size to 3.0 and make it Fractal.
Make the high value (just below the �Fractal� checkbox you just clicked on) 0.83 and the low value 0.085. This makes the white and black colours stronger so the soft gray values in-between aren�t as present. Also the size makes the rock texture smaller and more tiled, giving it more of a jagged look opposed to big flat and less appealing. Click on the �go to parent� icon again to go back up to the top of the material tree.
Now adjust the bump map�s effect value to 83 opposed to the default 30. This is just bringing up the amount of bumpiness in the texture so it stands out more. Drag the bump map slot over onto the glossiness slot and when the pop up window comes up click on instance. Having the same map in the glossiness slot will control how the surface reacts to the light when it hits the surface, also bringing out the bump map�s contours better.

Now name this material �rock surface� and apply it to the sphere.
