"The Country Life" Added on: Sat Apr 12 2003 |
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Good day all! Thanks all who voted for my work, I didn�t expect to be among the first three rewarded. Acknowledgement to my dear wife for her help during this work (I know part 2 of rules � all models are mine, well-timed advice and comments are hers).
When I saw this contest�s theme I decide to model common Russian village. Particulary ones that did not change in the last two centuries (my aunt has a home that what was built in the end of XIX century so I know what I saying here). Just let high voltage lines and television antennas be removed and tractors replaced by carts and it will be country landscape from end of XVIII to beginning of XX century.
Time spent from beginning to end on this project was about 3 weeks including one for collecting material. First I drew a sketch with my Wacom tablet:

It took about an hour for sufficient quality. I tried to match hue and composition rather than to pay attention to details.
The real-existing originals of models were homes in national park Kolomenskoe (Moscow). There are many churches in Moscow, each have quite unique design and decoration and so no one became real-existing original for the background. As a result - the model is abstract church � collage image - and I'm not sure that it matches real Orthodox architectural canons either.
Many shots of wooden building have been taken during visit in Kolomenskoe and I used those ones for textures. And there was a lucky circumstance with the environment � it was an evening - sunset and lightning was the same as early morning � blue snow illuminated by red sun.

I used to work with low polygonal models for PC games so models of houses are quite simple: walls are boxes and bases are cylinders, roofs are a loft object.
