"Mythical Creatures" Added on: Sat May 24 2003 |
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Minotaur Head
On the face I spend a lot of time, my Body References material, which I drew by my self was not too accurate and I had to imagine how he would look like with open mouth and expressions on his face. I begun modelling the nose, place every vertex one by one in the right place, cut some polygons, edges, extrude, etc.

I modeled the eye seperately, and then attached to the model of the head, then mouth and creased forehead. To model horns I used function Extude Along Spline, except for the bump at the horn which I made manually.

Toots - I made 3 basic teeth sets: cutters, canine and molars. I copied them, and I placed inside gums.

Minotaur Body
I modeled a proxy model of the minotaur, using basic function in boxmodeling.

I looked in the anatomy book, body-builder magazine, and from my own experiences where and how to put muscles on my primitive model, beginning from top of the model and finished on hooves. I used function like cut, collapse and Chamfer.
