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Pilgrimage Inc Interview - Pilgrimage Demo Party 2004
Added on: Sun Aug 29 2004
Page: 1 3 4 5 

   Image from the Pilgrimage

3dluvr: Tell me about the competitions, what will the prizes be like?

Legalize: I'll defer to the "Director" on that one!

RaD Man: At Pilgrimage this year, we have 9 official competitions, 6 of which fall under the category of digital arts; First, we have the staple of our party, the DEMO competition.  We also host a combined music compo for trackers and the like, a textmode compo for the oldschool ANSI and ASCII artists, and a hirez graphics competition sponsored by deviantART.
A unique aspect of our party versus others is that we feature a fast-made "Blender Compo" which is a throwback to the early competitions held on IRC during the 90s.  Upon arrival at the party, attendees are given a set of 3 randomly selected words and challenged to create a piece of art which best exemplifies those words within a very limited amount of time.  This is the only competition where individual artists, musicians and coders can compete against each other directly.

Then we have the "Wildcard Compo" which is a liberal competition allowing anything from a short film, interactive game, or live performance.

Thanks to the partnerships we've built over the past year with various vendors and service providers, we now have over $14,000 USD in cash and prizes to award this year at Pilgrimage 2004.  Prizes include hardware, software and cold hard cash.  One of our platinum partners this year is deviantART who has contributed a substantial amount of cash prizes as well as 1-year and 3-month subscriptions.  We've received hardware donations from Pacific Digital, Cobalt Flux, Red Octane, and ATI.  Media and software licenses have also been donated from vendors such as ACiD Productions, Fusecon, Microsoft, Renoise and Serious Magic.

Image from the Pilgrimage   Image from the Pilgrimage

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