Ok, it�s almost over now. It�s about a question of taste. I went for a red orange juice, like this:
I didn�t like the standard or the raytrace material, because it shined strange, so I chose a mental ray material. It�s �Glass(physics_phen)� with these settings:
The last thing I did was add the straw, the lemon and the little umbrella. You can download the file and check it out here: glass.zip
I never rendered the whole animation as it took too long on my very slow p4 1.7 with 256 ram.
Anyway� I hope you liked mixing this drink and found this in any way helpful. By the way, maybe you noticed how deep this image is, with the sun as the lemon :) 
Contact me anytime on [email protected] if you need any help.You can also visit www.3dluvr.com/bogdan for more of my work. |