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Texturing in DeepPaint - The Basics
Added on: Sun Nov 21 2004
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Finaly I would share a couple of thoughts what could be useful, or could help to prevent some shocking moments.:

There is a bit annoying problem of DP and that is the crashing. It can happen mainly if you have large (4k) texture maps, and very complex materials in the same time. Although you can have reminder in every 10 minutes about saving your stuff, but this is rather annoying than helpful. As I experienced, DP most of the time crashed when I tried to save out my work with the "save" option (not with "save as") and did it in a very nasty way. First deleted all the components of the previously saved work, and then tried to write the new files to the same directory. Mostly this was the time, when has failed and crashed, so basicaly deleted all my work I had done before.
Probably the best way to avoid loosing a lot of work, if we save everything into PSD format. Luckily DP does not care about these files when crashes, and we can build up our scene quite fast. The only thing what the PSD file wont include is the transparency values of the different layers, so we have to make notes, or write these values into the layer's name.

As I wrote at the beginning of the article: DeepPaint is a very popular tool in the film and game industry. Most of the major computer generated creatures require some kind of projection painting during the texturing process. DeepPaint was used to create the werewolf and the Whomping Willow creature in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and the CG aliens were also painted with this program in the upcoming Alien vs Predator feature. There are painful problems what would not be possible to solve without some of the nice features of the software. The instant feedback we can have while painting bump-displacement maps also a feature what is very important for painting high quality texture maps especialy for feature films. So I can recommend to every texture artist to try out the software and enjoy all the benefits of the tool. Finaly a couple of images were made with the use of the DeepPaint.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me.:

Balazs -ward- Kiss
[email protected]

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