Texturing in DeepPaint I. - Basics The Right Hemisphere's DeepPaint is a widely used program in the film and also in the game industry for texturing complex objects. Some of the essential problems as correcting seams would have not been possible to solve without this kind of 3D paint application.
In the first part of the artcile series I would like to show some of the essential properties of the program and give some advice what sould be the first steps texturing objects. I have selected my elephant object as an example to show the basic. So the first step should be to make a clean, well organized UV map without surfaces, where the UVs are overlaping. The DeepPaint (DP) program package contains UV editor program (DeepUV) for editing UVs, but I used various techniques in Maya instead to prepare the shown UV map. 
Important step is to assign materials to the different objects (in this case body parts) what should have different textures on. Althoug this is a relatively simple object, - as has only two differend materials assigned - it is worth to pay attention to the namings of the objects. This could make the work lot easier when we are dealing with very detailed creatures consist of loads of different body parts. 
The best solution if we save our object in obj format and switching on all the file specific options.
