"Circus" Added on: Fri Jun 18 1999 |
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When I read the assignment of the "Circus" contest I immediately got a flashback to a
couple of years ago, when I had a strange interest in clowns.
Back then I didn't have a computer at all, and painting with oil paint was my main visual
expression tool. So I painted a couple of clowns, one with a psycho face holding a big gun aimed at the viewer, one sitting at a table filled with glasses and bottles of alcoholic drinks, and a gun, looking very sad. I also created one big close-up- face of one very unhappy clown.
I felt sorry for him as soon as I was finished painting him.
Later, when I'd rolled into the computer business I tried to create the scene in Max which was a nice attempt, but not that good really, since I hadn't been in the business for that long.
So anyway this contest was a real good opportunity to grab the old concept and create a nice new form for it.
Now I will try to give you an impression of how the image was done technically, which is probably what you're here for.
I started off modeling the main head shape. I created a sphere with normal segment amount (16) because I only wanted to create the basic head shape, so that's a high enough resolution.
After applying an FFD box modifier and manipulating the control points, the sphere turned into a head-shaped potato. After setting up the main head shape I started working on the face.
First I goofed around with the resolution. I gave the face part a higher resolution and the mouth part an extra high res. I did this by using mesh select, the selecting some faces and then applying a tessellate modifier, working on square faces, with a low tension. See the picture below...
Now the important part starts. For the sculpting of the face detail I used a great charityware plugin from Peter Watje, called Deform Paint, as referred to by Mitch Gates as "a poor man's Artisan".
The plugin enables you to paint a surface with the cursor and the faces move up or downward along their face normals. You can change things like strength, brush size, additive strength etc.
I think it's one of the best plugins ever written for max so I hope it will have it's translation to Max3 as soon as it's released. Download it from Max3D!
What I basically did was painting the cheekbones, eyeholes, nose, mouth, chin and some more "mounts and depressions" to give him an old, torn and skinny appearance. All this of course in a highly exaggerated way, because it tells the story better.
