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The Celeron Myth: Real World 3DSMAX Performance
Added on: Wed Jun 16 1999
Page: 2 3 4 

The Intel Celeron...the poor individuals processor..Or is it? Released by Intel for the
sub $1,000 PC market, this .25 micron chip has been the talk of the town for the past
couple months. Hailed as an overclockers dream, its performance has both been praised and insulted.
Now with a simple modification this chip can be configured to run in a dual processor configuration, a realm which the Pentium II ruled without opposition*. This has once again brought the Celeron under fire.

This article addresses the dual capability of the Celeron processor verses the Pentium II in a variety of tests. If you ever wondered if a dual Celeron configuration was a viable alternative to a dual Pentium II system, read on.

Benchmarking Information

Fourteen seperate benchmarks were used as the basis for this article. All of them are 3DSMAX R2 specific. Although a synthetic benchmark can give accurate results, no result is more true then from the program itself. These benchmarks make use of 3DSMAX's own rendering and modeling system, and thus are as true and unbiased as they can be. All benchmarks are run under Windows NT 4.0 SP5 because Windows 98 is not a mulitprocessor OS.
Before running the benchmarks I clean installed Windows NT 4.0, 3DSMAX R2, and the 5th service pack for Windows NT. I then defragged the hard drive and made sure the only program running on the task bar was the volume control. The Desktop resolution was then set to 1024x768x16 at 85 hertz. 3DSMAX was run with Software HEIDI drivers to prevent the OpenGL abilities of the Firegl 1000 PRO from influencing the benchmarks.

The following is the computer configuration used to run benchmarks:

Motherboard: Super Micro P6DGU Dual PII GX Chipset
Processor: Dual Pentium PII 450, Dual Celeron 300A PPGA @450 on Two M6905 Slocket converters
CPU Cooling: Step X2 Thermodynamics dual peltier unit w/fan heat sink and dual fans
Memory: Two Corsair SDRAM 128 Mb CAS 2 PC100 7ns
Graphic Cards: Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro 8Mb PCI
Hard Drive: 9.1 Gig Ultra-2 Scsi Cheetah Lp
Monitor: Sony GDM-500PS 21 Inch
OS: Windows NT 4 WS SP5
Case: Supermicro 750A 300 watt Server Atx
Other peripherals:
Diamond MX300 Sound Card, Altec Lansing AC48 Subwoofer System
32X UltraPlextor, 12x/4x Plexwriter, and Toshiba 3rd Gen DVD
10mbit 3COM Lan Card, 56k Us Robotics Sportster Modem, APC 650S Backup Pro.

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