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"Great Moments in History"
Added on: Mon Jan 17 2000
Page: 2 3 

I began by looking for pictures of Jesus. This was almost the hardest part. I spent some hours lookin on the Net, but most pictures I found were of low quality (and resolution) and no picture was like the other.

After a while I got tired of it and just started modelling. Since I guess no one really know how he looked like, his look wasnt very important. I tried to make him skinny though, and gave him a weird nose (Life of Brian - Monty Python).
For the body I decided to make skinny, yet with some muscles, to symbolise that he was strong...


The modelling method I use is something between patches and box modelling. I start with a single spline, which I then refine, copy segments, weld and work with untill I've created a spline cage for Jesus. I let all the vertexes to be corner, so I dont spend a lot of time playing with handles. It is more efficient this way.

When finished modelling, I add a surface (surface tools) with 0 steps, so the spline turns into a lowpoly mesh (Don't foget to remove interior patches !!).
I only model half the model and mirror, but if I want it a little asymetrical, I make those changes after attaching and welding the mirror to the first model, it's just too much work to model everything twice. Finally I add a meshsmooth (level3 - lots of polys :)

This is what we have so far...

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