"Time Machine" Added on: Fri Apr 07 2000 |
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There were two main lights for the scene. The main lights gave the effect of the bare lights one would find in the basement or the garage. Then I added lights that affected specific items in the scene. I added a light to get more highlights on the shopping cart. I also added a light for each of the fans on the cart, as they had the same material of the cart.
Finally, I added small omni's down by each tire on the camera side of the tractor. This added highlights to the tread which brought out the detail of the tread. That was all for the lighting
I didn't have a lot of time to play around with the type of anti-aliasing or effects. One thing though: It took about an hour and a half to render this scene out. Using a PII 400 256MB RAM.
As light raytrace reflection on the tractor surfaces as well as raytrace refraction and reflection on the blender and blender contents and the splines making up the shopping cart and fans slowed down the rendering.
A big thanks to 3DLuVr. If it wasn't for the contest I wouldn't have spent all the time that I did on this image. This was great practice for me because I do a lot of 3D logo and product animation in my job. As such this type of detail in my work is seldom required and is a refreshment to me.
The final image is shown below as a wireframe and full rendered.