"Enter the Dragon" Added on: Wed Sep 27 2000 |
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First, I would like to thank everyone that voted for my picture. I hope that I can give something back to you guys by writing this article.
Idea & Research
My first idea, was a picture where a guy fights his own demon in a room filled with mirrors and where the demon appears in one of the mirrors. This picture would combine the scenes from "Enter the Dragon" (where Bruce Lee fights in a room full of mirrors, and the film "Dragon" where Bruce Lee (Jason Lee) fights his own demon.) I created this picture as well, but it turned out rather grey and dull.
I started out by finding some reference pictures for the subject. I also did some researching in the history of Kung-Fu, reading stories about founders of different styles and there techniques. All this was found on the Internet.

Modeling & Posing
I find the "How to draw" books by Jack Hamm very useful, and I use them daily as a reference. Also I keep a mirror next to my computer which allows me to see details in real life.
The face was created using a profile with splines, duplicated it a couple of times to reach 180º this makes a half face, moved "control points" lofted and moved more control points, converted to Polygons, used "split polygon tool" and tweaked vertices to their right places. Ears were made by splitting and moving vertices/faces. Arms were modeled with the same spline, loft to polygon modeling technique.
Body, legs and feet were created with polygon tubes, moved and rotated vertices to a good position. Hands are created with a polygon cube and "split polygon tool" then extruded faces, vertices moved and manipulated. Objects are merged together, mirrored and again merged to build a roughly made man.
Because I was making a still image, i didn't have to care about the way things should bend. So I added bones to the model just as soon as the body parts was merged together. As I knew that it would be a lot of polygon tweaking after setting up the right pose, I kept the bone structure very simple and I didn't care about adjusting it's weights. In search of the right poses, I went through the pictures I had downloaded and tried some of the poses in front of the mirror, just to see and get a feel for them in real life.