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"My Precious"
Added on: Sat Sep 22 2001
Page: 2 3 

Firstly I found some reference, a picture of an interesting bracelet in a book on jewelry, a photo of a broach in a magazine, a real beaded necklace was invaluable in determining how the necklace in my picture would curl up on itself. Next I got straight into building the scene.

I created the main twisted band part of the bracelet from four spring primitives, two with small radiuses and two with large. The springs were then collapsed into a single mesh and a bend modifier applied.

The two stylized lion heads on the ends of the bracelet started as a single box with a few length, height and depth segments. The teeth and tongue were built as separate objects, the teeth from modified cones and the tongue from a bent chamfer box. I extruded faces to form the upper and lower jaw, then carefully edited the mesh to create the eyes, ears, wrinkles around the mouth, and so on. The result was mesh-smoothed and a displacement map used to create the lumpy forms representing the mane.

To create this displacement map I gave the mesh cylindrical UVW mapping, exported the
unwrapped mesh as a bitmap using Peter Watje�s "Unwrap" plugin and simply painted the
bitmap in Photoshop. I also used a displacement map to create the raised pattern seen on
part of the bracelet as shown below.

I built the necklace by starting with a sphere primitive, modified such that it had a hole through it. By holding down Shift and moving the sphere upwards and by setting the
number in the resulting dialogue box I was able to instantly make a great number of copies, and thus a full necklace.

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