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"The Junkyard"
Added on: Wed Feb 27 2002
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Main work was now identified, select, edit and test all theses aged maps and apply them to a huge number of objects.

All textures in scene are rusted, aged and dirty maps except a few textures (fractal noise and signs).

Example 1: Rusted Chrome uses several maps for each channel. Colour channel is a grey/orange(rust) map. In reflection channel a map is masking rusted areas against reflection. Specular channel is applied similar to reflection channel...

Example 2: Texture from the Floor Tube is a simple fractal noise + black lines in bump channel.

Example 3: Industrial robot uses a painted rusted metal map (blue). I used copies from same texture/mapping for other industrial robots making a change only in the colour map (red/yellow).

Example 4: Wall textures are simple maps. (I had a problem with this texture, on the first partition wall closest to the camera, at right of image, due to map size it looked ugly. To solve this I replaced it with a fractal texture - bump and colour - only for this partition wall, and it turned out nice close to the camera than the old low map). Rest of construction is same old map.

Example 5: Lights bulbs are a material using the luminance channel + fractal noise...

All textures have glow channel activated. Using a moderate value, this produce a glare or bloom effect more visible in areas that are close to the light overexposure or white colour. (see railing edge. Near the camera it's more visible, blue robot/yellow tube zone).

Mapping work was generally fast. There is a great amount of primitives (self mapped). Mostly of work was for theses objects to drag a texture symbol onto object and view at real time for adjustment.
Other objects need additional adjustments/changes but they weren't much either.

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