"The Junkyard" Added on: Wed Feb 27 2002 |
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For each row I created a "master" light and all others were instances, and by changing values on the master, all the instances were changed, too.
To fill from bulbs I used two yellow (low intensity) lights for each bulb at right and left of the main yellow, and other to create a overexposure on the wall.
All were omni with falloff and shadow enabled. (42 yellow lights).
I added two yellow lights without shadows from right and right-back to camera view to fill the areas where bulb filling is not visible enough.
Also, I applied a fog effect to give depth to scene.
Finally a bottom light without shadows from under the floor (placed far down to cover the whole scene). Low value, to simulate only the reflected light from the floor.
(I done several tests for each lighting stage to get the optimal level for each one.)
Using a big amount of low intensity lights placed conveniently made the scene look like it had Global Illumination Lighting. It's a similar thing but using less "samples". Rendering time is low (about 8 minutes, 2029 objects/462.080 polygons).
Radiosity can show all small details and colour influences. On the other side, speaking about radiosity would be talking about "HOURS of rendering time".
Using my lighting scheme, results looked nice, but small details can be improved and I'll think how to improve those.