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"Blue Collar"
Added on: Sat Jun 01 2002
Page: 1 3 4 5 


I wanted an exhausted character with a bonny face, almost unhealthy. It was easy to achieve the expression, I had to operate on vectors to "dig" cheeks, temples and neck ; I wanted to see shoulder blades to show he is crushed. Arms are excessively thin ; it means his health is precarious.


I wanted the character to wear a dirty shirt and I designed the bottom of the body very quickly because under the future shirt. The technique to create the shirt is the same as before, using splines. I wanted a large shirt and hanging to show the character is leaning.

Shoe & Leg

The clean and smart shoe is representing the �dark� side, the upper class ; I used a bone to distort the shoe. A gentleman can be imagined, living on top of the society. He is carried by the working class.

Material suppression using a Boolean operation. To draw the suppressing operand (puzzle piece) I had a look at real puzzles to be sure of proportions.
Here is appreciatively the final scene layout ; during all the process I kept in mind my scheme.

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