"In the Lab" Added on: Fri Aug 09 2002 |
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Once again, the source was the Internet.
I used a search engine and I got some old pictures and drawings from ancient labs.
I looked at these images for a few minutes, and later I got the idea to create my own lab, getting visual references from each one.

I decided on the lab shape without any planning in advance, by simply adding elements and creating combinations, until I got an appropiate shape to show the idea I had in mind -which was to make an ancient Lab, with apparatus and ancient tools while the fire has an interesting spot in the scene, escaping to outside.
I used both fire items, a fireplace and a stove.
First I modelled the fireplace, later I put the floor and some cubes, and from the fireplace I've taken some elements to make the arched walls, moving and replacing elements (improvasing), until I got the shape that allowed me to show all these elements that I liked.
The most common techiques were used to create all the objects:
Lathe was used to create jars, amphores, lamps.
Sweep for the fireplace tools, aparatus, rope,...
Extrude for the archs, and arch together walls,
Mesh Objects for the book, the chemical ingredients...
Privitives (some deformed) like cylinders, spheres, cubes, for the ceiling sticks/rails, walls, tables, bricks, etc...
Many objects are really deformed copies from other existing objects. I saved more time than creating each object from scratch, modifying any existing object already scaled and placed in the shelves, or on the table; moving only in the X-Z plane.
When the shape is modifyed a bit and re-textured, it looks like a new object, by at the same time I reduced the iteration of objects in the scene.
For this I created a Lathe main shape, and a Loft main shape to obtain all the jars and apparatus moving/deforming their splines.
From a single deformed cylinder i got the bars on the ceiling window, 80% of the chair, sticks...