Lesson 1 - Introduction to Painter Classic Added on: Sun May 28 2000 |
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The Art Materials Palette
This palette has five sub-palettes: Color, Paper, Gradient, Pattern and Nozzle. Most important here is the color sub-palette.

The Art material palette with color sub-palette open. The white rectangle can be clicked to change between displaying RGB or HSV values. (Some programs use HSB (B-Brightness) or HSL (L-Lightness)).
The Color Sub-Palette
Before you start painting you probably want to choose a color. In Painter Classic color is arranged in a circle with red, green, blue and gradients between. This forms a spectrum of hues. Hue basically means color. The hue circle has a small marker that shows the currently choosen hue. Click anywhere in the hue circle to select a different hue and notice how the triangle inside the hue circle changes. Once you have your hue of choice look into the triangle to further define your color.
The triangle also contains a small marker that can be moved to the 3 corners of the triangle and anywhere between. The triangle defines the Saturation and Value of your selected hue.
The further you move the marker to the right corner the more saturated your color will be, moving to the left reduces the saturation. Saturation express how much gray your color is mixed with.
Values goes from the top to the bottom of the triangle. Highest value (white) at the top, lowest (black) at bottom. Value defines the brightness of a color.

Saturation triangle Image: Value triangle