Lesson 1 - Introduction to Painter Classic Added on: Sun May 28 2000 |
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This lesson ends here. There are features in Painter Classic that this lesson does not cover, but the the most important features have been covered. Painter Classic is not the most advanced tool on the marked, but at the same time it offers all the tools you really need. Think of an artist's canvas and brushes or a piece of paper and pencils. They are so simple that everyone can use it, but still you can create the most wonderful things with it.
The only thing holding you back is your skill with the tools and imagination! I like to think of Painter Classic the same way; it is intuitive and simple and the digital
technology is there to your advantage. Together with a digital tablet, Painter Classic combines the intuitive simplicity of realworld painting tools with the many
advantages digital media has to offer.
You have probably seen paintings made in Painter on the Internet, and most likely you have (like me) been stunned by the images created in it. No matter how brilliant the images are, remember that there is no trick to do great images! Stop looking for the hidden button or tool that will make you images look fantastic, it doesn't excist. If you want something done start painting!
[Note] Check this amazing artist, who is using only the Airbrush in Painter to create photorealistic images. Artist: Shane Caudle, his homepage: http://www.planetshane.com
I could write a hundred pages, but the only real way to get to know the program is to use it. Start by experimenting with the different tools. Try various colors, try out the different variants of each tool, combine them together and most important - Have fun!