Lesson 5 - Human Skin Added on: Sat Mar 09 2002 |
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Step 6: Final Details

Paint highlights with the 3 brightest colors in the palette
I added a dark blue for a nice hue-contrast to her right side. I also increased the contrast slightly. There are some problems with the anatomy...
Her upper arm is too short, neck look strange, head too small etc.. But! The skin colors are nice (right???). Finished image is below:

Finito !
Personally I love these colors the most. Warm browns, saturated red and orange and fresh pink Although perhaps a little exaggerated it the painting above, these are also the colors most people think of as skin-tones.
The most important however is not the color, but the values. With the values working you can have almost any color imaginable recognizable as skin. Blue colors, for example, have I completely ignored in this lesson, but are commonly found in areas with thin skin. Like under the eyes, inside of forearm, upside of the feet's, breast etc...
If it looks good it is right!
And yes, you should all read the excellent Light & Dark lesson by the master painter Ron Lemen The text is pretty heavy and you might find yourself reading it 5 times before you get the grasp of it :-) Its a must read for the amateur artist though.