Creating an Asteroid Added on: Wed Sep 06 2000 |
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Load up the material editor and select material #1. Click on the standard button up the top left of the window and then click on standard again out of the pop up box that apears, this resets the material to a default grey which we are going to use as a starting point.
First of all click on the ambient colour and change the colour value to a bright orange (R: 255 G: 73 B: 17) and adjust the shader type to Oren-Nayar-Blinn and adjust the diffuse colour value to a paler orange (R:255 G:132 B:50) and specular to a orange colour (R:255 G:48 B:7).
Adjust the specular level value to 0 and the glossiness to 0 and soften to 0. Change roughness to 0 as well plus give the diffuse level value a value of 120.
Under advanced parameters change fall off to out and the filter colour to a dark grey (RGB: 37). Now go down to the diffuse colour and click on the empty diffuse slot and apply a gradient ramp with three key colours red (R: 255 G: 42 B:0) and orange (R: 255 G: 120 B: 0) and red (R:255 G:72 B:0).
Adjust the noise amount to .29 size to 1.0 and levels to 4.0. Make sure the gradient type is linear and the interpolation is ease in out.
Exit out into the main material menu and go into the opacity slot and apply a mask material to the opacity slot. Click on the map type and apply noise material to it.
In the noise menu give it a size of 17.1 and make it fractal, give it a high value of .645 and a low value of .35 change the levels to 6.1 and adjust the phase at frame 0 to be 0.0.
Go to the last frame, hit the animate key and change the value to 3.0. Hit the animate key again to exit out of animate mode.
Go back up one level to the mask level, and click on the mask type, assign a gradient to it, in the gradient menu adjust colour #1 to be dark black, colour #2 to be bright white (RGB: 255) and colour #3 to be (RGB: 215) adjust colour #2 position to be .53 and make the gradient type radial.
Adjust the noise amount to be .2 and the size to 1.7. Adjust the phase to be 0 at frame 0 and hit the animate button and at the last frame make it 10.2, then hit the animate button again to turn animate off. Make the levels 4.0 and exit back out to the material's main menu again. Call this material Main system, and assign it to the main trail particle system.