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Creating an Asteroid
Added on: Wed Sep 06 2000
Page: 1 2 3 5 


Click on the material #2 material and click on the standard button and then click on the standard material when the menu pops up to reset the material. Now make the material shader type Blinn and give it specular level and glossiness of 0 as well as soften as 0. Adjust the ambient colour to a redish orange (R:255 G:71 B:15) and diffuse to orange (R:255 G:101 B:25) and specular to red (R:255 G:0 B:0)

Now adjust the filter colour in the advanced parameters to dark black (RGB: 0) Now click on the diffuse slot and choose the particle age material and then click on colour #1's slot and choose gradient ramp. Now there are four key colours we are going to create, the first is a bright red (R:255 G: 0 B:0) and the next is an orange colour (R: 255 G: 165 B:0) and the next colour is orange (R: 255 G: 90 B:0) and the last colour is yellow (R:255 G: 190 B:0) adjust the noise amount to .14 and the size to 1.17 the type to fractal, and 4.0 levels.

Go back up one level and choose colour #2's slot and give it a gradient map too. Change this one to linier type and interpolation to ease in out, then noise amount to .013 size to 1.16 and, and there are four key colours, the first is red (R: 255 G:0 B:0) and the next colour is yellow (R: 255 G: 165 and B: 0) the next is orange (R: 255 G: 91 B: 40) and the last colour is orange (R: 255 G: 150 B:0).

Go back again and select colour #3, four more colours the first is red (R: 255 G:0 B:0) and select the next colour it is yellow (R: 255 G: 156 B:0) and then the next colour is orange (R: 255 G:91 B: 40) and the last colour is yellow (R: 255 G: 150 B: 0)

Exit back out to the mask level and click on mask within the masks menu, choose gradient as the material type for the actual mask and then adjust colour #1 to be RGB 0 (black) and colour #2 to be RGB 169 (light grey) colour #3 is RGB 106 (dark grey) Make the gradient type radial and then adjust the noise amount to 0.5 and the size to 2.2. Change the gradient type to fractal and levels to 6.45.

Go back out to the main menu of this material and change the name to front flares. Assign this material to the four front particle systems and the other material to the main stream particle system. Render a frame to see what it looks like.

Play the animation and look at it, what we want to do now is create turbulence and noise in the actual particles motion. Go to the spacewarps tab and create a wind space warp, make it spherical and adjust the strength of it to 1.0 and adjust the turbulence to 7.06, the frequency to 15.0 and the size to 11.55. Place this space warp directly in front of the asteroid but far ahead of it behind the camera.

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