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Compositing: Camera Matching
Added on: Tue Sep 19 2000
Page: 2 3 

This tutorial essentially covers creating all the geometry that�s in a photo and matching up the camera to the photo along with using camera map and other useful max tools to make a complex 3D scene.

Okay first of all we�re using the photo shown above, download that and put it into max.

The way we are doing this is trial and error, that�s how it works without markers and measurements along with camera information. So first of all go into 3dsmax, go to the views menu and choose viewport background.
Now select the photo and notice in the picture information listed in the dialog box
it says the resolution (1556x1054), load up the image, tell it to match bitmap under the aspect ratio area of the window, and to lock pan and zoom. and then go to the render menu and change the res to this, afterwards go to the perspective window and make sure it�s in safe frame mode, or else right click on the views name up the top left of the viewport and change it to safe frame mode.
We�re doing this so the image in the view is stretched to it�s actual res so it is accurate to the rendering and to the photo.

Once that is done create a camera in the top viewport and then create a flat plane in the top view as well, the photo represents water which in shape is pretty flat and 2d, it�s a good starting point for building our scene.

Basically make the plane long and not too wide, basically the proportions of the water, and then go to the camera view and begin moving the camera so it matches the waters shape by moving it and zooming in ect. And repositioning it.

Go to the modify panel and change the res to 35 mm, usually you�ll have to guess what the lense of the camera that took that photo is but I�m giving you guys a hint. But in future you�ll have to work it out yourself, based more on just what looks right. Once the camera has been placed correctly it should look something like this.

From here begin using boxes to build the geometry representing the other buildings, for the time being we are just creating boxes to get the proportions right, as we advance through creating all of the structures we'll get a better idea about where the camera should be and continue to adjust it until it is eventually accurate.

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