Making objects splat Added on: Fri Feb 23 2001 |
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Go to particle type and choose metaparticles and adjust the tension under metaparticle parameters to 0.1 and make it one connected blob. Go down to get material from under mat�l mapping and source and click on picked emitter, and then above it click on the get material from: button. So that the particle system grabs the material from the emitter object rather than using it�s own material, this way both the teapot and the particle system have the same material and mapping. Now go down to motion inheritance and adjust the multiplier to 0.29.
Keep in mind that my teapot crashes through the ground at frame 23, so yours might vary, so adjust the spawning time to the frame it first begins intersecting the ground plane. But whatever it is, probably is best to set the particles up to emit one frame before it intersects so the bottom of the teapot isn�t below the floor when it begins emitting.
Once all of the settings are set up, make sure the material type is "picked emitter" and click on the "get material from" so it gets the material it uses from the teapot rather than it�s own colours. Select the deflector and click on the bind spacewarp to particle system button and assign it to the particle array.
Now select the teapot and go to frame 24 and click on the animate, right click on the teapot and choose properties.
Go to visibility and click up so it sets a keyframe with a value of 1.0. Now click on okay, go to the next frame and right click and go to properties again and adjust the value to 0.0 this time, this sets the visibility to 0 so the object disappears after this frame. Click OK.
What�s going to happen is after frame 24 the teapot disappears just a bit after the particle system appears so it kind of switches places with the teapot.
If you play the animation you should see that the teapot falls and then splatters on the ground, although from here we can have a bit more fun making it look a bit more "lifelike", I guess.
Create a deflector by going to the spacewarps panel again. Drag it out and place it in the scene, adjust the gravity value to 1.29 and the decay to 0.014. Assign this to the particle system, now it falls to the ground instead of bouncing up after it hits the deflector. Now lets try to make the splatter spread out a bit more..