CEL Shader: Chapter 2 Added on: Tue Dec 19 2000 |
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Now go up one level and copy that material into the other two colour slots. Now go back into colour #2 and adjust the angle of Z to 45.0 instead of negative 45.0, go back up again and go to colour #3 and make it's angle 22.5.
This makes up the overall outer ink texture.
Go up to the top diffuse level and go into the front texture slot. Give it a shadow light texture, leave the settings as default but adjust the white 'lit' colour to a light white creamy colour, and click on the dark slot and when the material/map browser pops up click on the browse from 'MTL editor' slot and choose the old cellular with 3 sub cellular
textures texture, and choose copy.
Adjust the value of the new parent cellular texture's iteration value to 1.5. Adjust it's tiling settings so X: is 0.0 Y: is 0.25 and Z: is 0.0. And theY angle is `45.0 and Z angle is -45.0.
Go into the sub material #1 and change the tiling to X:1.0 Y:0.01 Z:0.0 and angle X:0.0 Y: 0.0 Z:-45.0
Do the same for the next colour slot but make the Z angle 45.0 and for the last one make it have 22.5 angle.
Assign this to a teapot and render and take a look, make sure you make your background colour white first.
You can download a sample max scene HERE, if you want to check it out in depth.
That's pretty much it, sorry if this tutorial is messy or doesn't make sense. I've been trying to put it together every couple of days and I kept getting lost as to where I was up to.