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Real World Benchmarks of 3DSMAX R2.x
Added on: Mon Feb 15 1999
Page: 2 3 

Did you ever wonder which Windows® based Operating System is better for 3dsmax?
Or wonder how much benefit a second CPU would add to overall performance?
If you've ever experienced these type of questions or participated in arguments involving them, then this article is for you.


As you will see, I ran a wide variety of benchmarks for this report. All of them were 3dsmax2 specific. Before I started running the benchmarks, I clean installed Windows 98 and Windows NT� 4 with SP4, and then clean installed 3dsmax in both operating systems. I made sure that the hard drive had 0% fragmentation and that each Operating System had the latest patches and updates.
The default settings for 3dsmax2 were used in both cases, including 3dsmax's default software HEIDI driver.
Different clock speeds were accomplished by raising and lowering the Front Side Bus.
The resolution that each Operating system ran in was 1024x768 in 16 bit color.

Unfortunately I was unable to run these tests on different computer systems, but my starting premise was that configuration I have would be a most common configuration found among users. With better resources perhaps, more wider tests could be performed.

The following is the computer configuration used in all tests:

Motherboard: Super Micro P6DGU Dual PII GX Chipset
Processor: Intel PII 450 (504)
CPU Cooling: StepX2 Thermodynamics dual peltier unit w/fan heat sink and dual fans
Memory: Corsair SDRAM 256 Mb CAS 2 7ns
Graphic Cards: Diamond Fire GL 1000 pro w/ Diamond Monster II 12 Meg
Hard Drive: 9.1 Gig Ultra-2 Scsi Cheetah Lp
Monitor: Sony GDM-500PS 21 Inch
OS: Windows NT 4 WS and Windows 98
Case: Supermicro 750A 300 watt Server Atx
Other peripherals:
Diamond MX300 Sound Card, Altec Lansing AC48 Subwoofer System
32X UltraPlextor, 12x/4x Plexwriter, and Toshiba 3rd Gen DVD
10mbit Lan Card, 56k Us Robotics Sportster Modem, APC 650S Backup Pro.

The Benchmarks

I ran the following benchmarks to test 3dsmax2 performance. Each group of benchmarks were reproduced for each processor speed, and for each operating system.*

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