Creating a winter landscape Added on: Sat Nov 09 2002 |
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in the next 20 minutes you will learn how to create a winter landscape. For this excersize you do need to have only a basic experience in Lightwave, so lets just start with it.
First of all you need a Model. There are some ways to create a landscape and I used Terragen (Terragen)
Terragen is very easy to use just click on "Generate Terrain", choose your settings and click on "Generate Terrain".
Next Step is to export the Object, so just click on "Export" and choose "Lightwave 3d Obj."
Now fire up the Lightwave Layout and load the created object. Maybe the landscape is a bit too large so you have to scale it or set the camera into the distance. Now it should look something like this:

Mow on to the Surface. Open the "Surface Editor" and set the parameters like I did:
First go to "color" and click "T" then add these 5 layers:
