Global Illumination Compositing Added on: Mon Nov 11 2002 |
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This tutorial will guide you through some quick&easy steps necessary to setup a Global Illumination scene for a care-free compositing.
If your background picture is not an HDR image or in case you have an .avi file running you can use the good old (albeit only slightly modified) skydome for scene illumination and that's what we'll create first.
Step 1
In Modeler create a sphere,leave its resolution at their default values - just make sure that the size of the sphere goes well beyond your scene perimeter.
Since we are compositing,the Skydome horizon line will not be visible as such in your render but having a very distant horizon could help you with the camera angle matching and also it ensures that your scene elements will be well..."globally illuminated" :)

Step 2
We need to eliminate the bottom half so in Polygon mode select all the polygons along -Y axis...

Step 3
Go to Construct - Merge Polygons (Shift+Z) to collapse all of the selected polygons into a flat ground plane
