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Global Illumination Compositing
Added on: Mon Nov 11 2002
Page: 1 2 

Step 7
Ok, last steps - load the model in layout and in TextureEditor set the Color channel of the Default surface (ground plane) to Image map,projection to Front and load the image or .avi you want to composite over.

This will map your ground plane with the background image so you dont need to texture it.

Also,make sure that the ReferenceCamera is set to the one you want to render from - just in case you've installed some security cameras to monitor the area for burglars.

Step 8
Finally, select Layer2, press "p" and in the ObjectProperties panel - Render tab check UnseenByCamera to hide the dome so it doesn't show up in the render (it will still illuminate the scene,dont worry)

Switch off AffectDiffuse for all the lights in your scene but leave some AmbientIntensity cos it works very well in radiosity renders - add it to your taste though - EnableRadiosity while you're there

Do a test render and adjust either the dome's Luminosity or the ground plane's Diffuse to match the brightness of the background picture and you"ll have seamless compositing right inside LightWave.

That"s all, if you run into any problems (but you won't, will you?) or if you have any comments on this you can email me.

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