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Compositing: Advanced compositing at a smaller scale
Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002
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Now the way I set this up is that I went to the material editor and made the box have screen mapping on it, but under the diffuse panel I changed the texture from being a bitmap to being a mix material with a bitmap in the first channel and a grey noise pattern in the second slot, and chose the concrete mask as the mask to use, and made sure the mask was set to the screen.

What that meant was that whilst the geometry was within the concrete mask's radius it was plates mask but when it left the white area and went into the black area it turned into the grey noise pattern. This can be handy just to know if you ever want objects to be one material at one specific part of the screen and a totally different one on the other side. Such as a firey red debris and when it leaves the explosion turns into charred black.

Camera mapping: This technique comes in the shape of a modifier, how it works is that it will use a chosen camera, aligning the texture you're using to the screen and then grabbing the texture for the object from those coordinates of the screen. Let me explain further... Below we have a plate of a desert with a beach ball. Say we wanted to make this beach ball roll away, we can use camera mapping to do this.

Okay, start a new Max up, and create a flat plane in the top view, make the perspective view active, go to the views menu and choose 'viewport background' and then click on files. Choose the desert image with the beach ball in it which you can download from the link below. Before you click on open check the statistics down the bottom of the window, it says the resolution is 1556x1054. Click on open. Now click on the 'match bitmap' checkbox under the aspect ratio section of the window. Check that lock pan/zoom is ticked and click on OK. The perspective viewport should display the image of the desert with the beach ball...

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