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Compositing: Advanced compositing at a smaller scale
Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 

Now try to animate that ball 20 frames later moving away from the screen, it should carry the texture with it. Of course it is leaving the beach ball in the actual plate behind, which we need to fix up. Download a video clip ball.avi of the beach ball rolling off screen.

The problem we're constantly having with these techniques is that we move or blow something up and it's still there! The solution is that we need to paint it out. I've called this technique an aftermath plate, I'm not sure if there is a technical term for it and if so what it is called, but the name fits what it actually does.

I will not hold your hand through this step, but you just need to go into photoshop and for this job (which is an extremely easy one, in most cases, at least if you wanted quality depending on the job, you may need to spend days painting up a destroyed building with burn marks and debris, or whatever the situation may be) just rubber stamp the beach ball and it's shadow out using the surrounding sand as the stamp source. Save this as aftermath.jpg or whatever you want to call it that's easy to recognise, but DON'T overwrite the original plate since we still need that.

Now set the aftermath plate up as the background but still keep the beach ball's original plate texture applied to it. The background is the aftermath whereas the ball is reading the original plate, so when it rolls out of the way you don't have a ball underneath it.
Check it out: ball2.avi.

Plates are included in the file along with the Max scene files for this composite.

I think that's it for this tutorial, there's so much more there is to learn, and I'm still learning all of it myself, but I hope this tutorial has at least covered enough to give you a better idea on how to do this kind of thing. Please don't hesitate to give me any feedback, or thoughts on any of this. Thanks !
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