Compositing: Advanced compositing at a smaller scale Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002 |
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Now create a camera and try to match it up roughly to the camera that took the photo in the background, it's slightly looking down aimed at just over the beach ball inbetween the ball and the horizon. Now create a beach ball.
Basically make a geosphere and adjust it's radius to fit the beach ball, make sure it's in the position of the ball as well. So what you should be left with is the camera and the ball and the plane all matched up to the photo something like below: Now it's up to you to create lights wherever you think they should be placed to simulate the lighting in that scene. A good resource for light matching is 3DLight.

Go to the material editor and make a new material, turn glosiness and shinyness strength both down to 0 and choose a new diffuse bitmap. Select the desert bitmap as the bitmap to use. Move up one level back to the base of the material, and dupe this material across to another slot. Go to that one and rename it to "background" and then go to the environment panel and select that bitmap as the background.
Now go to the modify panel and select your ball, click on the more... button up the top left and scroll down to camera map and click on OK. It should bring up the following menu:

Click on 'pick camera' and select the camera. Render the image making sure you've applied the texture to the ball first (if there's any problems make sure the mapping type in the material editor is UVW not environ mapping).