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Wiggling Ears
Added on: Fri Jan 03 2003
Page: 2 

Hello, since this is my first tutorial I'll start with a very short introduction of myself; my name is Peder Kallin and you could say that I'm still quite new to the XSI scene. I am currently studying Multimedia Design and digital animation in UK, where we use XSI as our 3D tool.

The goal with this tutorial is to create so called secondary motion. Lets say we have a rabbit jumping and we want its ears to wiggle and deform in relation to how it moves. Well this is one way of doing it without having to set a lot of keys.

First of all, you can download this zip file: which includes a simplified bunny ear mesh and also the finsihed tutorial file just in case you can't be bothered to make your own ears.
What the scene consists of is just one ear and a polygon that emitts hair, the hair has been scaled up to better match the length of the ear.

Now we modify the strands to better match the shape of the ear. When you are done, your scene should look something like this.

So, we have our ear and we have the hair, now what? Well we need a way to envelope the ear to the hair. For this we are going to use nulls.
Constrain the nulls to the hair and then use these to envelope. First step is to create the nulls, for my ear I am going to use 9 nulls and then place them out roughly like this (it really doesn't matter since we are going to position constrain them to the hair points/clusters).

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