Trimming the Fat Added on: Wed Apr 09 2003 |
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Then we have remote. Want someone using your computer? By all means, enable everything. But if you�re like most individuals, these settings just waste additional resources. Remember that you can always turn them back on later if you need them. Just in case Bill wants to take over your desktop.

This is still under the SYSTEM icon in the control panel.
After all this disabling, it should be time to move towards more �Advanced� pursuits. Here we have a variety of choices, starting with Performance. The Performance/Visual Effects tab produces the most immediate and noticeable difference in Windows XP when everything is disabled. Everything immediately speeds up in flow, akin to doubling ones frames per second in a first person shooter. This shows you how much the GUI slows down the interface. Its like female mud wrestling, sure the mud makes everything �look� better, but it makes it more difficult for them to wrestle. Ok that�s just a bad example.
Next to the Visual Effects tab is yet another�Advanced tab. Here was can change the allocation of physical memory, as well as adjusting how processor resources are allocated throughout the machine. Unless you�re specifically calling on a set service, leave the four radio buttons to their default settings, and go right to the Virtual Memory.
Virtual Memory is a widely debated topic of performance. Some individuals recommend you keep a separate partion just for the swap file, some say even a separate drive. One thing tends to remain constant throughout all the arguing. If you keep the minimum and maximum settings to the same number, it seems to increase performance as windows no longer needs to worry about how much VM is enough VM. Just don�t confuse VM with VD. Set VM to either a 1x method (1x physical ram) or 1.5x. Either way the performance difference should be negligible. Try and see which one works best for your individual circumstances.
If you wish to explore the hellish depths of virtual memory more, give the www.2cpu.com forums a visit. They�ve got a pretty extensive ongoing argument on the subject sticky�d in their forum.
