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Trimming the Fat
Added on: Wed Apr 09 2003
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Because of the complexity involved with optimizing services for individual needs I am also including an excellent roundup/guide written by Black viper in case anyone wants some more in-depth explanation or ideas about what they can/can�t disable.

Finishing the Liposuction

Disabling most of XP�s unique �flair� results in near Windows 2000 Ram usage. But this is only the first step. Not only can you restore the original look of 2k but you can also reduce ram/cpu usage. Further utilizing a variety of other utilities will allow you to tweak Windows XP even further, restoring it a very streamlined athletic state. (As far as Microsoft OS�s go).

The image shown above is the level of resource usage achieved by using the tips listed here. Your results may vary. The four listed cpu�s are showcasing the fact that Windows XP fully supports Hyper threading in a Dual Xeon system, which was one of the primary reasons for writing this article.

Below you�ll find a list of other utilities you can use to further tweak Windows XP.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post a question in the hardware/technical section of the 3DLuVr forum.
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