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"More Than Human"
Added on: Sat Aug 30 2003
Page: 1 2 3 4 6 7 

Unfortunately, I couldn�t make acceptable facial expression for the middle character. So, top part of the face was hidden by mask-shaped VR glasses.

Base of the wing was made from primitives and lofts. Wing itself is patch.

Two model's shown below. About the first version I consulted with friends. Second version was made after considering their comments. Boots turned out not so cartoon-looking which were made little smaller and ties were added afterwards.
Also, more creases on the raiment were modeled. Zip on the jacket was added, though it couldn�t be seen in the final picture because of its small size. Collar was moved a bit higher. Metal on wings was replaced by plastic, design of joints was changed. Wings became more stylish...


At first, I thought to make a futuristic city with flying cars. But while working with the character I changed my mind. The fantastic worker will be lost in the fantastic background. So in the final release I made buildings more contemporary to accentuate the worked itself.

The scene contains not that many building as it looks at the first glance. Four models were made in all. They were assembled from boxes, though too many boxes which obstructs the screenshot at the end of article.
Top part of buildings and roofs were well worked up. I didn't make basements to save some time and they couldn�t be seen so it didn't matter.

The buildings are placed in such a way so there are no two identical buildings near by in the scene so it looks like all buildings are different.

Metal beams are loft objects. Shackles and nipples that appear later are made from primitives.

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