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"We Walk with Giants"
Added on: Sun Feb 08 2004
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I always have had many problems doing hair for my characters. I tried some plugins to do this but finally I used the most simple way, I made a polygon and cut it several times and fit over the head. After that I applied a texture I found in a Poser site, then I clonned this to make a lock. Then this lock was cloned and scaled over the head until I had the look I wanted.


I know there is many tutorials about hand modeling but some people ask me how I made this hands so I'd like to make use of this moment to show you the steps I needed to model the hands. References came from

A box to start (1). First extrusion cuts to define the basic shape (2,3). Subdivisions and moving of points achieves the thickness of each finger (4,5). Several extrusions and rotation or scaling of new polygons guided with the reference (6). Extrusions for the nails (7,8,9). Points moved in the bottom (10). Inner extrusion to make the knuckles (11).
The same method for all the other fingers (12). Cut for the thumb and knuckles (13). As other fingers extrusions and rotations using the reference (14,15).
The texture was applied by a flat projection using the same picture as reference (16). To pose the hand the way I needed a bone chain was used (17).



I had to make many tests before I finally decided how to model the "little people". They should have a fewer polygons as possible and I needed the posibility to make different chars with minor changes. This picture Market Place by Sven Daennart gave me the idea not only for chars but also for vehicles, huts and carts.

Chars are composed of basics deformed geometric pieces like cylinders or boxes forming a chain with it and moving axis point to the joints so by rotating these pieces I had the wanted pose (1).
Only one texture was created for the chars (2) and you can see it had only several brush strokes. The others parts have textures used in other objects in the scene. With one extrusion of some polygons I could create a skirt a hat or long hair (3).

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