"We Walk with Giants" Added on: Sun Feb 08 2004 |
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Women also came from first char, only one extrusion for the skirt and other for the breasts (1). One other extrusion in the head and I had a long hair (2) or a scarf (3). For the face (4) I used the same texture as men but without beard (obviously).
Carts and the Tower
You can see carts are very simple pieces. Chasis was made with a cube and wheels are cylinders. Texture for the chassis is the same in all cases with slight modifications in the saturation or tone of the original picture.
The tower is also very simple, a cube for platform and cylinders for poles, stairs are made from a cube also, but with a variation with the others stairs in the scene that were made with cylinders.
Fire is two spheres with a procedural map and smoke was made with a particle emitter with a pyrocluster shader applied to it (1).
Canvas hut is a plane smoothed with hypernurbs while textures were made doing rectangle selections and filling them with a solid color then weathered by using a texture in the brush instead of solid colors. Also a texture was created for the alpha channel to simulate tears (2).
Rocks are deformed spheres smoothed with hypernurbs, too. Texture is also a procedural map composed of several fusion maps blended with noise maps. Bump channel and displacement channel are also noise maps.
Vehicle is also deformed cylinders and smoothed. Textures are fusion maps blended with gradients maps (4) Handles are torus.