Once you've done linking each track_part, select all your track_parts and move them down so they are centered to the bones. Lets create our splineIK. 
Select bone01(red) and go animation menu select splineIK, now you will select the last bone (orange) and then the track spline, and BING you should end up with something like the image above, with your bone01 still selected go to motion tab and check on "Constant Velocity" (I found that with it off I had little jumps here and there in the animation). You also might notice now that your track spline has a splineIK control modifier on it, you can delete this, unless you think you can use them? Also delete the point helpers that where created. Hmmm, but wait my track_parts are all upside down? Lets sort that out! Getting all wired up 
Select bone01, go to the animation menu, wiring parameters, select wire parameters, now follow the image on the left and click (basically you are selecting the percentage along the path), now a little doted line will appear and follow your cursor, select the position_icon again and follow the image on the left.