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Interview with Sedley Brown, the head of 3D at the NVFilm
Added on: Wed Aug 04 2004
Page: 1 3 4 5 6 

3dluvr: Could you tell us one of your major challenge you were facing in the last couple of years?

Sedley Brown: Usually it is our Migros commercials that we have produced for the past
4 years. The challenge lies in delivering the brief, but also making the commercials creative and entertaining. That is of course the underlying continuous challenge with any advertising.

Migros is a leading German hypermarket specialised in children toys. Therefore themain target of the commercials are the kids and also their parents. Every year we had to come up with new ideas and we also had to keep the ads very friendly and suitable for children. That is why the cartoon style what our client requested mostly. The latest Migros advert series - what we have finished recently - were full CGI animation. We used Lightwave to render the shots and we also used After FX for the compositing.

Unfortunatelly I can't show you higher resolution images of this shot, as the broadcasting of the advert just started now, but I can reveal more information about our revious Migros campaign, was finished more than a year ago.

Sedley Brown: This was our third Migros commercial campaign we have been working on and the task was this time to produce 5 10-second long advert, each of them featured one popular toy from the Migros collection. The commercials had to be in full cartoon style with photorealistic looking toys integrated into them. We outsourced the backgrounds of the shots to a company dealing with professional illustrations, so tehrefore we could concentrate our attention on the look of the toys.

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