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Interview with Sedley Brown, the head of 3D at the NVFilm
Added on: Wed Aug 04 2004
Page: 1 2 3 4 6 

3dluvr: Why did you think it is important to extend FX2NV's portfolio towards the video shooting, video-production?

Sedley Brown: Live action integration with 3D/2D animation, motion graphics and compositing, is starting to become the standard. By being at the fore front it helps to keep on top of new techniques and solutions, so that they can be offered to the client. So extending our live action capabilities has allowed us to start on in house productions that allow for these new techniques to be explored, as well as now being able to offer live action shoots to new and existing clients.

One of our major plan is also a live action and CGI short film called Mr. Vee. This film will showcase the full 3D animation and special effects capabilities of fx2nv. The film will be shot in collaboration with Schmick Films, with live footage directed by Christian Banfield. The screenplay was written by Alice D. Cooper and will be produced by Sue Chedney.

3dluvr: Why did you choose Mac platform and not the PC? or the platform-application is not as important in the creative process?

Sedley Brown: Actually we are multi platform, with the software usually defining which platform is used. We try to use the best solution and the most appropriate software for the given task. This could be a good advice to everyone, try to concentrate on the solution and dont stick yourself to platforms or softwares.

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