"Time Machine" Added on: Fri Apr 07 2000 |
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To start off, I did a quick little sketch on paper. Nothing too fancy but it was at least a start.

I had to decide how I would complete this project. There are times when I do all the modelling, then texturing and finally the lighting, but this time I decided to do one object at a time from modeling to texturing.
Shopping Cart
The idea the first object that I started was the shopping cart. I went to the local grocery store for an on location photo shoot with a shopping cart. I came home with good reference images including the following:

I viewed these images through the \"view\" feature under the file menu, this allowed the image to remain visible when using max. The cart itself was mainly all splines. I'm always learning things when using max and it was here that I actually learned that all the splines that make up the shopping cart can remain as splines and set to be renderable. This kept the complexity to a minimum.
